Traditional Holiday Stuffed Ham

1 small cabbage
1 quart kale
2 onions
3 ribs celery
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp dry mustard
8-12 lb ham

Coarsely chop cabbage, kale, onions and celery. Combine raw vegetables with all the seasonings. Cover with water; bring to a boil; turn off heat. Let sit, covered, for 10 minutes; drain well; save water for cooking ham.
Cut slits about 1" deep all around ham; stuff slits with as much stuffing as will fit. Put any remaining stuffing on top of ham; cover tightly with foil. Cover with water and reserved vegetable water; bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer covered for 5 1/2 hours. Add more water, if necessary. Cool; chill well. Serve cold with some of the stuffing on each ham slice. Serves 12-18
Source: Gwen Campbell.
