Snow Ball

You need:
baby food jar and lid
2 t. plaster of Paris
tiny plastic figures
decorative accessories
1/2 t. tapioca
Mix plaster of Paris with 1 tsp. of water to form a thick paste.
Drop a small mound onto the center of the inside of the lid.
Just before plaster sets, press in figure(s) and decorations
to stand upright (waterproof Santa and tree, reindeer,
nativity, snowman...). Let plaster harden. Fill jar with clean
water. Use the tapioca for snow. Sift tapioca through a medium
strainer to remove larger pieces, then again through a fine
strainer to remove all powder. Pour remaining tapioca into
the jar of water. Cover lid top with felt and screw lid on
tightly. Invert. Shake and let it snow!

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