Nature's Own Wreath

On your family's next walk through the woods, collect a basket of pinecones.
At home, you can turn these countryside finds into an everlasting wreath.
Begin by briefly soaking the cones in warm water to loosen any dirt or resin.
While they dry, create the base by tracing a circle on a
sturdy piece of cardboard (use a plate for a pattern).
Cut out the circle, then trace another circle, 2 to 3 inches smaller, on the cardboard.
Cut out the second circle, then punch two holes at the top of the ring.
Arrange the pinecones on the ring in a design.
Then, attach them with craft glue, beginning with the larger cones.
Fill in any spaces with tiny cones or acorns.
When the glue dries, coat the wreath with polyurethane or spray paint (in a well-ventilated area).
Thread a velvet ribbon through the holes, then hang

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